Monday, October 1, 2007


I didn't wanna get up this morning I didn't know what to wear I ironed one outfit only to take that off and try on two more outfits that were ugh which made me late for sluggin Nothing fits right I had to drive in all that hellacious traffic I got gas all up in my shoulda blades My back hurts I'm pmsin Aunt Flow bout to make her presence felt I feel unpretty My scalp is sore cuz I can't stop messing with my beady beads This whole going natural thang is some shyt I got a sinus headache I ain't had none in a month of Sundays....

Happy freakin Monday people!



Anonymous said...

1. your outfits aint fittin cuz your pms'n

2. get some gas X

3. Midol Biotch

4. Can you find a local man gawd..


mp1 said...

Man, I'm glad I'm not a woman!

I know it's obvious, but it sounds like someone isn't going to have a good Monday. Good luck for the rest of the week!

Miss Snarky Pants said...

How'z about a ((((((((((HUG)))))))))) :-)

Hope the day gets better for ya!

Tasha said...

((HUG)) it's gonna get better! Go home, have a glass of wine and take a nap.

DurtyMo said...

@TINA I hate you. Seriously! *crackin up*

@MP1 Thank the Lawd you don't have a uterus but I appreciate the the good luck.

@MS B I just wanna cry and go home cuz I don't feel like being bothered! *hugz*

@Tasha I don't like wine and personally I think this calls for some HARD licka and some tylenol PMS! LOL *sigh*

proacTiff said...

as soon as i read that you were changing outfits like a dayum model doing an event for project runway, i KNEW your ass was pms'ing. we women know these things. yeah we do. gas in your shoulder blades? *wtf* i'mma have to ask you to lay off the beans. dang. and if you are in need of the steel-laying-pipe, i'mma have to ask you to self-medicate for the time being.

hope this helps. *lol*

p.s. that blinking brown eye is watching me.

Jazzy said...

Awwwwwwwww Chica!!!!

I feel bad for you but I still gotta said, "I got gas all up in my shoulda blades" LMAO!!!

And then YOU said, "I can't stop messing with my beady beads" LMAO!!!

Pure comedy...hope you are having a MUCH better day tomorrow!

PS: Tea helps with the gas!

Jazzy said...

lmao@Tina's comments!

nikki said...


sometimes it gotta be said that way.

meanwhile, you do need to get with local penis. a month of sundays is not a good look, especially with the pms'n thing going on. that's the time we want to get it going on the most.

DurtyMo said...

Ok y'all are crazy. Y'all made me laff out loud for real! Wooo!

LOL@ PRO If I self medicate one more freaking time I'mma need to look into some Durcell/EverReady stock!*Tears* And when I don't shyt like reg folk, gas get to flowin everywhere! So turbull but so true! *sigh* MS B is killin me w/ that blinkin eye 2. That shyt is freaky!

@OD That's what got me in this mess. I drink that Smooth Move Tea. Uh huh! If you neva heard of it, google it. LOL! And Tina is a fool. I pay her ZERO mind!

@Nikki Penus and I will provail..dayumit!

La said...

"I got gas all up in my shoulder blades..."

LMFAO *thud* <---- me falling on the ground kicking and screaming