Friday, July 20, 2007

The Beast Within

I try to be as humble and level-headed as I know how but every 23 to 26 days, something inside of me rears changes. I'm a different person. Everything and nothing bothers me and no matter how hard I try to reign in my emotions, I just can't.

Tears flow for no apparent reason. All sense of reality is lost. Things that I'd normally brush off, stick to me. Things that don't concern me, affect me. I just want to be left alone in fear that someone will ask the question that will ultimately send me over the edge. "What's wrong?"

My moods have gotten progressively worse and I am two steps away from seeking help. Professional help. What I am experiencing can not be deemed as "normal behavior". I know that on some level we all suffer from depression but this is far beyond "some level". This is crazy.

I am crazy.

Am I the only one?


Anonymous said...

Can we say SEVERE PMS.. they have that new pill for that.

DurtyMo said...

So I'm thinkin I should be comforted by the fact that there is such a pill because that means I ain't the only one suffering here. Great.

Anonymous said...

I use to have these crazy mood swings when I was on the pill. Everytime I got to a certain color pill, I would lose it. It got to the point where Terry knew when and why I was acting crazy. LOL! Soon as I stopped taking them, I was fine. I would talk to your doctor to see what they have to say. There may be something you can take for it. Hang in there.

Business Owner said...

No your not alone. I just discovered I'm like that too. My sister can testify to that as well. Ain't that right Sister Boonie?

MrsNotYourMomma said...

@ tw - yeah, i just thought you were psycho, but it's good when you know the reason behind your madness. it helps you adjust...i guess. fortunately, i don't suffer from pms to this extent. but my heart goes out to you who do.