Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Wanna Know Who's Played?

Men who think.

Men who speak.

Men who breathe.

Thank you. Good night.


Organized Noise said...

Just passing through, but I think I will leave as quickly as I came. **walks out slowly**

La said...

Lmao! LMFAO!!!
*crash* <----- falling on the ground laughing

Anonymous said...

Looks like someone is having a relationship problem...


DurtyMo said...

LOL@ ON!!!

LA! Do you FEEL me or do you FEEL me? Dayum!

@Anon.. Nah this is all encompassing. My boss. The ones who slow down my effin commute cuz they can't drive. The ones saying "hey ma" to me. The ones that rap. The ones that ain't taking care of thier kids and got three four baby mommas. Should I continue?

Anonymous said...

Wow!!! I can't lie....I can dig it!!

Diva's Thoughts said...

Girl you are something else! LOL

La said...

*head hung, waving hand in the air, singing a chorus of amens* yes girl I FEEL you.

Anonymous said...

preaching to the choir...

dc_speaks said...

wth? imma do like ON did.

peace, sista!

Chari said...

Lol!!! Nice post.