Friday, September 14, 2007

More Pieces

Ok people, I'm trying to get back to some sense of normalcy so here goes *y'all pray for me* LOL!

101. I get my strength from my momma. She is a beast and she go-hard without a buncha talking. She is me and I am her.

102. I have a very imaginative mind. I see things as if they were. Real. Unreal. Doesn't even matter.

103. I can love you and hate you as a person all at the same time. It's complicated but it's true.

104. I wanna BE Halle Berry's baby and I am dead serious.

105. I've lived in the DC area since '92 and I have yet to meet a Redskin or a Wizard. I am so hot about that!

106. I hate when people ask me a billion (more than 2) questions. If I wanted you to know, I'd tell you. Ain't no need to be asking..geesh.

107. If it wasn't for the grace and mercy of God, I would be in prison right this second.

108. I delivered a baby on my own. At 16. Somehow I feel heroic although I know that I shouldn't.

109. I am unstoppable. Whatever I say, it is so. In my mind at least and really that is all that matters.

110. I watch gay (men) porn. Ya know with me having that whole penis envy thang. I'm gonna buss hell wide open. Jesus deliver me please! I got demons!

111. I should not feel like I'm old as hell at the tender age of 33. There has got to be more to the whole 30's thang than this. Dang. Thank gawd I look 25 or I'd just die!

112. I really don't care about the war (sorry Military folk & ya fam). Me caring means I'm using energy that I could put towards something I can actually do something about. *shrug*

113. My temper is like a rage in Harlem! I can smile like butter and spit fire at the same time! Don't fuk with me!

114. I love overly affectionate men.

115. People say that I'm nonchalant because I don't immediately get hype bout ridiculous, lame, retarded, dumb, unnecessary bullshyt. I gotta think first or else I'll only get to make one phone call and be somebody's bytch. No suh! I ain't ready!

116. I am my #1 fan. *smug*

117. I design jewelry. I got fiddy-leven jobs! Everyday I'm hussalin'...

118. My degree claims I'm a civil engineer. Imagine that.

119. I'm gonna go see a therapist. I am actually thrilled about it.

120. I don't like some people in my fam. No seriously. I.don'!

121. I cry like a baby when I am reminded that Jesus paid it ALL and that He knows the exact number of hairs on my head! Awesome!

122. I do not hold grudges. I forgive and say I'm out.

123. I hate stopping to get gas. What a waste of got dayum time! Ugh! I can not be bothered.

124. Why do people live (by choice) in hurricane/tornado/too much got dayum snow infested places? The purpose of North & South Dakota is what? I don't get it.

125. I never knew I was so opinionated. I guess I am. *shrug*

That's all I got! Holla.



Anonymous said...

*dyin @ 104.. something is wrong wit you for real..


Anonymous said...

LOL! First of all @ #108, you are my hero. chile please. Wish I would deliver my own child. *laughing hard* @ #17. Terry calls you hustle woman.

MrsNotYourMomma said...

OK, raise your hand if you delivered a baby by yourself, home alone, at 16, when yean even know you was pregnant?! *waiting* OK, I ain't think I was gon see any other hands. YOU ARE THE SHIZNIT! But trynna feed the baby real adult food? Hilarious, but I know that wasn't funny. But I do laugh at it. LOL

Why you wanna BE her baby?

DurtyMo said...

@Katina Duh! That's why I'm going to therapy!

@FF *sigh* I get too bored with stuff. I gotta keep my hands busy.

@NYM LOL@alla dat. *shew* When you put it like THAT, it's true. I am the shyt!

That lil baby gone be gorgeous and rich! It's shallow BUT true!

Miss Snarky Pants said...

ROTFLMAO @ #115. Girl...I know dat's right! LOLOLOL

Now about wanting to be Halle Berry's baby....shew....get in line girl....get in line!!!

Hope you Have a great weekend!!! :-)

BK said...

OMG.. i couldn't read no more after you said you watch gay men porn.. LMAO.. I'm done!!! oh my I'm so done!!! my stomach hurt!!!

*trust its not really all its cracked up to be to meet a wizard or redskin*..

get at me.. so we can link up..

OMG still laughing..

proacTiff said...

I miss my little old country backwoods college town for ONE reason alone. Four words: FULL SERVICE GAS STATIONS.

My "new" name for you (although I love 'Durty' and told you how we S. Floridians wear dat shyt out)... is, "Hey, Mon." All dem damn jobs, like our Rasta brothers and sisters (or at least the interpretations of them from In Living Color episodes).

Hey, Mon, do your 'thangz'.

Anonymous said...

"111. I should not feel like I'm old as hell at the tender age of 33."

I know how you feel. I had a real issue with bypassing 29 for a while. I definitely went through a rebel period in my early 30s - I'm not quite sure it's over in fact. After 30 you get tired of the dumb sh*t and learn to speak your mind with a lot less apologies.

CapCity said...

LOL! i grew up in DC & lived there most of my life & met a few "wizards" in the boudoir & "red-bone" or two (a term I actually HATE, by the way;-), but no pro ballers, either. LOL!

gon' wicha bad self, durty!

Anonymous said...

124. Why do people live (by choice) in hurricane/tornado/too much got dayum snow infested places? The purpose of North & South Dakota is what? I don't get it.

I was just talking bout this shit the other day!! it makes no damn sense to me that people spend all this money to live in fl only to get their shits blown away and have to rebuild it for the same thing to happen... smch

DurtyMo said...

@MS B I will fightchu to be Halle's seed. Keep playin! LOL!

@BK *sigh* Sometimes I think "should I share this wif folk own really know?" Then I be like eff it. This is me! All day every day! LOL!

@PRO I think it's becuz I get bored so dayum fast with stuff. Gotta always keep something going. It's gettin cold now so it's time fa me to pull out my crochet needle and do some blankets! LOL! You wanna buy one?

@CAP LOL @ "wizards" uh huh!

@BZILLA I don't get it. I really don't. Like folks who live above NY or below Georgia. Why?

DurtyMo said...

@SAMARA Chileeeee!! You'd think I'm 50 years old. I gotta get my groove back got dayummit!

Jazzy said...

110...I watched one once. Once was enough! LOL!
111...Girl you ain't old. 30 is the new 20!
120...Girl we all have family members like that!

1969 said...

Gay men porn, Halle Berry's baby, jewelry designer/civil engineer.

I am sooo glad you are off to counseling :)

LMAO....only you Mo...and don't ever change!

Organized Noise said...

@ 103. I understand

@ 104: I want to be Halle Bery's baby daddy

@ 114: You'd love me

@ 116: You should be

@ 120: You can't choose your family.