For the most part I enjoy sluggin'. Sometimes I'm the driver, sometimes I'm one of the passengers. My incentive? The fact that it's free and it gets you where you need to go faster than the bus or the train. What I especially enjoy is the wide range of characters I see everyday! It cracks me up when I'm driving and I have two older white men with me in the car. Me, ethnic hair, big hoop earrings, R&B blowing out the speakers. Them, stiff suits, white starched shirts, striped tie, briefcase, newspaper. It's hilarious! I actually prefer to drive because I have more control that way. I hate getting in the car with folk who drive 1 mile over the speed limit holding up traffic or drive like a bat out of hell.
When I do ride, I like to get in the backseat. I'm not sure why but that's my m.o. Sometimes I'll get the drivers who want to talk (when I'm forced to get in the front) like this one lady who felt the need to tell me that she had ordered a fridge three weeks prior and it still hadn't arrived. Her, her husband and her daughter had to share a college dorm sized fridge and her husband was miserable. *blank stare*
Or the lady that had me in the back, a white older man in the front and she insisted on popping her dayum gum the entire time. I mean like sistergirl popping where you move the gum from one side of your mouth to the other to get more pop outta each chew. I wanted to smack her in the back of her dayum head. I was so embarrassed. And to make matters worse, she just HAD to talk on her bluetooth while driving. I mean that conversation couldn't wait until we got out the car? Did I have to know that she was going to Atlantic City for the weekend and had the babysitter all lined up? Why did she have to be one of us is all I kept saying? The stereotype is alive and well! Ugh! When it was time for me to get out of her car she asked who did my hair. I do my own hair hmpf. She asked if I did other folks I said nope with the quickness and got the hell up out her car. Her weave looked a dayum mess. I can't.
I often see the same folk.
Like this morning. I saw the lady (lady of color not sure of her ethnicity tho) that I rode with who had to tell us that she had bought her lil Dodge overseas cuz it was cheaper. She's military. She bought it so her daughter will have a car to use when she goes to college in two years. Oh and it's equipped with bluetooth and she let us know that it came with the car. As if anybody cared. Well she rode with me this morning and soon as she got in my car she asked if I'd had electrical problems with my car. Huh? Then she said she didn't know it was so roomy. What I wanted to say was you a dumbass for paying 20gs for that lil ass cramped Dodge when you couldda paid 12gs for a roomy Sonata. To prevent her from talking me to death I turned up the radio and kept my eyes on the road. Nobody feel like talking in the morning people!
Then there's the black guy in the blue car with the personalized plates. People still do that? Anyway. I've ridden with him a few times and each time he was blaring Ne-yo. I don't know why this bothered me? Couldda been the fact that not only was he blaring it but he was also singing along and knew all the words. Ne-yo? I'm just saying. He asked me if I had Ne-yo's cd *lol* and that he was feeling Tank's new one as well. I laid my head on the headrest and closed my eyes. That's why I hate sittin in the front seat! LOL!
I've ridden with a few white men and only one white women! The white men are usually young soldiers on their way to the pentagon in full army garb. It fascinates me cuz I'm wondering what do you do all day in your fatigues? Sit at a desk? I can't imagine it. I've heard stories of folks being over in Iraq and leading hundreds of men to people calling in sick although they ain't have enough time on the books. I've heard it all trust me and I absolutely love it.
Stunna always ask if I'm nervous about dealing with all these strangers and honestly I'm not. It's like I'm part of a carpool cult. You get in where you fit in and when you do you shut the hell up and ride. This is the life.
Would you ever slug if given the opportunity or would you be leary? Holla atchu girl.
It sounds like something I would want to do to save money and time, but I probably wouldn't because I'm not a morning person and I wouldn't want to put up with the ne-yo songs (LOL), gum cracking, thereapy sessions,etc. in such a small space.
In my crazy azz city, nope. LOL. Folks crazy in the D.
Im so confused.
Would I? Naw...I dont be liking people all like that. lol
Reminds me of the dollar cabs in NYC - People would drive their cars on the bus route and pick of 5 random strangers for $1 each. I never had a problem using one.
I just started vanpooling and I love it!
wow - never heard of slugging...i'm originally from DC & none of my friends or family members ever mentioned it. are there slugging signs to let u know where to wait &/or pick up passengers?
this was an interesting intro. 2 ya spot, Sis. I just came thru after reading your comment over at The Diva's - cuz I wanted u 2 know that I am one of those who doesn't open doors for unannounced visitors = have looked thru the peephole at family who didn't call first...my privacy is GOLDEN. As Bernie Mac says: they gotta learn, they gotta learn!
@ANON It saves a ton of money altho my commute is subsidized *sp*
@Shai LOL@ im in the D. You don't think DC is crazy?
@Wise I HATE PEOPLE but I'm loving this slug thang! I sit in the backseat and talk bout folks in my head. It's luvly ya see! LOL!
@Jali See you feelin me!
@CAP LMBAO!!! I hate people and I'm nosey so I'm like what gives? I wanna ask why you at my door to see what good answer you come up with! I've been known to look thru the peephole and not answer but not with an ex. *sigh* I know! I know! LOL!
Oh @ Cap I forgot to answer you. There are signs for the diff lines. I pick up/get out at the Pentagon then hop on the metro to work. I love it. There are slug lines for people going any and EVERY where! It's its own little culture.
OMG.. this is hilarious.. my whole office does this. I think you all are mad and brave..
Two jobs ago was when I first heard about slugging. This girl slugged into downtown from Franconia. I thought she had lost her mind getting into cars with strangers, and don't you watch America's Most Wanted and Forensic Files and THE NEWS?! But she said some of the same things you said, there are rules, it's a legitimate form of transportation, blah blah blah. Still, would I do it? Nerp. I'm worse than a non-morning person. I hate people too much to slug. Although I would probably get a kick out of being an obnoxious driver or rider on purpose. Hmmm
Whatever you do, be careful. I use to slug a long time ago before I moved and have shorter commute. You definitely get to meet some very interesting people. I remember this one guy that I use to ride with that was flaming. He use to blast show tunes every morning.
I proly wouldn't do it (never have, and I'm in D.C.) simply because I like my independence too much, I guess. Same reason, I guess, I usually didn’t ride to the party in somebody else's short. I had to have my wheels just in case somethin', you know, jumped off and I had to be out. I think I'd also feel like a Hispanic day worker waitin' out there. Ooo! Ooo! Pick me! Pick me! (I know that's not how slugging works, but you feel me.) See you on the green line, Durty?
yea, i'm nosey too durty - so, i ain't mad atcha! lol! but i'm also of the mindset of fool me once shame on U - fool me twice = ain't happening! ;-)
so, my nosey self googled slugging & I found there's an Official website & everything:
@BF Shoot call me whatchu want! I love it!
@MRS I knew YOU wouldn't do it.
@LB I have my mace with me 24/7. Trust!
@Nupe I like independence too don't get me wrong but 95S be lookin real ugly and I gotta do what I gotta do. I don't do the green line LOL!
@CAP LOL! Yeah you bored huh? Googling sluggin! hahah!!!
I'm not sure I completely understand how it works. In NY--maybe not. Um, yeah, weirdos hello.
Funny thing is Hun lives in Woodbridge and he's told me I should slug..I say I'm scared LOL
as you can see I'm catchin up.. so you in da urea.. LOL..
a lot of folks at my job do that sluggin ish too LOL.. only one I know had a bad experience..
we may need to do drinks.. :)
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